Maintenance and service

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Mitarbeiter führt eine Wartung einer Prüfanlage durch, um einen störungsfreien Betrieb zu gewährleisten

Efficient maintenance solutions for your test systems

Our exclusive maintenance contracts guarantee the long-term efficiency and operational readiness of your testing systems – from water meter test benches to volumetric and gravimetric testing systems. We ensure that your systems work reliably and efficiently so that you can reliably test your large and domestic water meters in compliance with OIML and MID.

Our maintenance services at a glance:

  • Regular inspection and leak testing Functional tests ensure that your test systems work in accordance with international specifications, such as MID or PTB certification. We also check your systems for leaks to ensure reliable operation.
  • Preventive maintenance Regular inspections and preventive measures ensure the trouble-free operation of flow measurement systems and sensors.
  • Optimisation and adaptation We adapt your test benches to new requirements and keep them at the cutting edge of technology.
  • Repair and spare parts service We guarantee fast troubleshooting and high-quality spare parts for stationary test benches.
  • Data evaluation and software maintenance In addition to hardware, we maintain test software such as MultiControl, LabMaster or DataServer to optimise measurement data evaluation and test protocols.


Why maintenance is important and what benefits it offers:

Maintenance ensures the maximum availability of your systems, reduces downtimes and increases efficiency. By recognising wear at an early stage, expensive repairs can be avoided, which reduces costs in the long term. Clearly structured maintenance contracts allow you to keep track of your expenditure at all times.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Higher availability and longer service life of your systems
  • Transparent cost structure
  • Customised maintenance solutions

Get in touch with us

Work with us to develop the right maintenance solution for your requirements. Benefit from over 33 years of experience in the development and maintenance of water meter test benches.